The ZEN of SOA - Lessons Learned and an Executive Blueprint

Sunday, December 05, 2010
My brother had an interesting thought - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is a real life version of Jules Verne's Captain Nemo.

Like Nemo ("nobody"), the world knows little of him, except his disdain for the governments of the world.

Cruising the internet (oceans) of the world, he's firing off technologically advanced torpedoes ("what the well is a wiki??") at the governments who war against each other. Now those governments would wipe him out, forcing him to hide on his secret island (well, of, England is not very secret).

Connoisseurs of sci fi will remember, the story ends tragically. For Assange, pissing of the U.S. is one thing. But Mother Russia has a reputation for serving up a plutonium cocktail to her detractors.