The ZEN of SOA - Lessons Learned and an Executive Blueprint

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Value means more than a revenue stream:

B2B: Third time could be a charm - Tech News - As many businesses now realize, the real gains from online B2B commerce will come not from trading but from better access to and the sharing of information. The following articles from McKinsey Quarterly take a hard look at the early failures of business-to-business marketplaces, and how such models can be successful in the future.

Friday, March 23, 2001
Many technologies enable you to track the
behavior of your online visitors; the Pew Internet and
American Life Project is more interested in looking into broader questions about web use.

...Rainie, director of the year-old, nonprofit Pew Internet and American Life Project, is more interested in such social questions as, why don't some people like the Internet at all?


Other things than pricing can draw on-line buyers.
E-Commerce News: Harnessing the Power of Online Pricing Low prices, although consistently cited by consumers as an online shopping draw, are not as important as many believe,

Friday, March 16, 2001
'Dot-Bomb' Stuff Could Be Another Firm's Treasure | Computerworld News & Features Story An auction of a defunct dot-com's stuff is also a place that IT buyers should visit before approving any purchase order. It quickly becomes apparent that anyone willing to pay full price for IT equipment must be mentally challenged.

These auctions aren't just for consumers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2001
Letting users acces their own 'metadata' makes them more comfortable with the notion that tracking site users is worthwhile.

FEED | Politics & Society - You Own Your Own Metadata

Diversity seems to be lacking in top positions... Media, high-tech and telecommunications companies are changing at breakneck speed, but the gender makeup of their top offices and boardrooms is not keeping pace, a public policy group said Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 13, 2001
BW Online | March 13, 2001 | How JustBalls Stays in the Game Just how has Justballs managed to stay in the game? By adding old-fashioned marketing techniques and a shoe-leather sales team to its e-sales of baseballs, bowling balls, bocce balls, juggling balls, and more.

Monday, March 12, 2001
ASPs...alive and well...

News: New report says ASP model isn't so gloomy after all Jupiter Media Metrix is expected to release a report on Tuesday that finds that the ASP model still has a successful future as Web-enabled software becomes increasingly common and more business data and information is automated online through industry-focused transaction and communication systems.

Monday, March 05, 2001
From the Cool Technologies File

Forget PDAs and eBooks. Electronic paper is where it's at....

Technology Review - Electronic Paper Turns the Page Although the collective imagination of the publishing industry has been captured by the current generation of electronic books, the technology that is most likely to transform reading and writing will be electronic paper.

So you don't think CRM is valuable? Check out this article from that examines the costs associated with visitors to your site...

eCompany Now - Web Articles - How Much Are Your Visitors Really Worth? If you take in the entire sea of surfers without making crucial distinctions between a buyer and a browser, you've missed the point of the Web entirely.

A similar article supports the notion that e-commerce initiatives are hard to implement, slow to generate results, and require patience...

E-Commerce Report: Companies in No Hurry to Buy Over the Internet A new report suggests that companies are moving more slowly than any but the true skeptics might have predicted.

With a recession looming, could the net be a rgeat low-cost channel, or is e-commerce just a niche?

Compressed Data: Report Challenges E-Commerce Lore The survey indicated that manufacturers sold just 2 percent of their products on the Internet in 1999 and that as late as last fall less than 1 percent of manufacturers were deeply involved in e-commerce. Only one- third of the 528 respondents were using the Internet either to sell or procure products and services.