The ZEN of SOA - Lessons Learned and an Executive Blueprint

Monday, January 22, 2001 - Technology - Small town tests TV, DSL combo via phone lines - January 22, 2001

A small town near the Georgia-South Carolina border is a testbed for technology that could change the way people receive television programs and pay-to-view movies. This is the sort of broadband initiative that will pave to way to a universal Internet.

Good News for Qwest!

Qwest Cyber.Solutions has received Statement of Auditing
Standards 70 Type II certification. The distinction means that Qwest Cyber.Solutions' ASP customers no longer need to have their own auditors conduct annual reviews of QCS's control structure. Since we liek Qwest so much, this is good news!

ZDNet: Sm@rt Partner - Qwest Cyber.Solutions Weathers Tough Accounting Exam

Saturday, January 20, 2001
The New Administration

As he takes the oath o' office today, and parties late into the night, the New Pres will have to deal with the privacy issue -- just one of the many tech issues to face his administration. But is anyone there really into this stuff? - Online privacy matters January 18, 2001

The last thing online retailers -- those still in business, that is -- need right now is more bad publicity. But even as the most solid online companies survive this drought, they're running headlong into another predicament: the whole unpleasant matter of how they manage and distribute the personal information of their customers is coming to a nasty head.

Thursday, January 18, 2001 Technology | Turn off the Internet! Turn off the Internet!
Is the global computer network to blame for the current electricity crisis? Lackeys of the power industry want us to think so.

Of course, several downed power plants, unbuilt ones, and a cold winter wouldn't be contributing factors, would they?

Alphabet, er, Acronym soup...

Do you know what all the acronyms in the ASP world stand for? ASP you should know, but what about BSP, FSP, VSP, MSP, and the other AAA? Get the answers in a commentary that is less tutorial and more of a rant.

eWeek article

Okay, some dot-com's are still getting funded...and this one deals with WAP, a shakey technology that could be overcome by 3G or iMode....

Meanwhile, AOL and Nokia plan to improve the WAP user experience as the Netscape team (now at Sun) will work on a new wireless browser.
AOL and Nokia improve Wap?

Techweb > News > French taxes > France To Tax Computers, Disks, Phones > January 15, 2001 France is planning to slap levies on the sale of computers and digital recording devices to ensure musicians and film-makers are compensated for pirate copying, its Culture Minister said in an interview published on Monday.

Oh the joys of socialist-democrats running things. So you think the U.S. has too many tax problems? You could live in France!

Wednesday, January 17, 2001
Bush faces thorny 'Net issues, 01/15/01

From online privacy to copyright protection and Internet taxation, these issues go to the heart of whether and how the Bush administration will regulate the fast-changing Internet industry. This sort of stuff will impact us all in the coming months and years.

Tuesday, January 16, 2001
Book: Application Service Providers

Because ASP offerings are business-critical, business managers need authoritative guidance in understanding the ASP industry and in choosing the right ASP for their needs. The book provides a complete "101" tutorial on ASPs. Check out this book for details...

ZDNet: eWEEK: Hosts strut the latest line

Top-tier hosting players like Digex Inc., Exodus Communications Inc. and Intira Corp. all have full agendas for 2001, as they and others seek differentiation and a break with their reputations as mere cage and bandwidth developers

Monday, January 15, 2001
Realizing e-Business with Application Service Providers

A look at the primary market drivers behind every aspect of the ASP model, including case studies of the companies that are market and industry leaders to illustrate each
component. eMarketplace: Realizing e-Business with Application Service Providers

While not strictly an issue for many of our business customers, one should consider all the ramifications of the merger and all the aspects of our lives AOL/TW touches. AOL Time Warner: How Big Is Big?

Friday, January 12, 2001
Another Hinderance to Lowering Costs....

Turns out many organizations' own Information Technology or Management Information Systems departments thrwart efforts at outsourcing...suprised? CYA and keep your job secure...

IT department can be hurdle to ASP acceptance

Go Global...
A recent Jupiter report suggests that many American
businesses are missing out on the global opporunities of the WWW. From the report: "Even though only a quarter of the global Internet population will reside in the United States by 2005, only one-third of American online businesses are targeting global markets."

Thursday, January 11, 2001
According to this write-up by Newmoon, ASPs must provide a powerful solution that combines software,
hardware and expertise into a comprehensive Internet solution. Okay, we know that, but this article discusses a methodology used by a vendor to be successful, addressing success formulas, business models and the types of organizations moving into the ASP arena.

Wednesday, January 10, 2001

Zona Reports that ASP security a customer concern (duh)

A new study from Zona Research highlights the securtiy concerns of ASP users. Zona found that most ASPs could effectively convey a sense that they are secure by offering technology infrastructure such as firewalls and encryption, like Blue Dog.


Why do we like WebObjects and OS X so much? There's lots of reasons (power of Unix, legendary Mac ease-of-use, cool Java-based app server), but lots of people agree Apple is innovative.


More MacWorld: Apple is facing many major hurdles, but Microsoft gets behind the company by announcing a new version of Office 2001 just for OS X.

Office 2001 from Micro$oft

Tuesday, January 09, 2001
Looking at the next 12 the ASP world. Software-as-utility, delivered over the 'pipes' of the internet. 2001 will be an interesting year for ASPs, with one prediction calling for 20% of all money spent on software going to ASPs in the near future. Some industry watchers also expect newly implemented profitability plans to have a positive impact on ASP stock prices
and ASP partnerships and mergers to increase.,show/id,5740>Year of Changes

MacWorld releases are cool! And Apple, though 'late to the party' in some areas, has perfected some killer enterprise technologies -- after all, the power of UNIX with Macintosh's legendary ease-of-use spells certain success. But the 'Cult of Steve' has its ups-and-downs...

CNN highlights and Steve Jobs commentaries
and More MacWorld Stuff

From the files of 'what?!' There is a book being written about its
development, yet the publishers have no idea what it is. Jeff Bezos (it "is a product so revolutionary, you'll have no problem selling it. The question is, are people going to be allowed to use it?"), Steve Jobs ("If enough people see
the machine you won't have to convince them to architect cities around it. It'll just happen.") and John Doerr (he describes the inventor as a combination of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison) are backing the company.

What the heck is it?

Today Blue Dog's top dog is headed to MacWorld to hear the pronoucements of Steve Jobs, a man much maligned and admired. We'll let you know what is cool at the show, and what else is happening here in S.F. As the premier WebObjects ASP, Blue Dog likes to stay on top of issues related to enterprise application serving, hardware and infrastructure.

On a lighter note... could this be the future for casual day Fridays at Blue Dog? Vincent Bethell was in court for refusing to
wear clothes in public places. He arrived in the courtroom wearing exactly...

Clothing Optional

Wednesday, January 03, 2001
A new meaning to the state of being WIRED, from your pals at Micro$oft and Starbucks! Many a virtual corporation has made Starbucks their official off-site meeting facilities. Now attendees can stay connected while getting wired!

Tuesday, January 02, 2001
Here at Blue Dog we take our pets seriously. Well, most of the time. This article in the San jose Mercury may have us reconsidering. We're one of the nternet firms that have liberal policies about bringing pets
to work -- but some are now yanking on the leash. While our dogs may not play nice at the office, they certainly don't leave unexpected 'packages' for us...

San Jose Mercury News

Confused about what the ASP marketplace means? This article begins by shooting down ten of the commonly
written about absolutes of the ASP world, then clears up misconceptions about just what an ASP is and does. It also talks about which market sectors are the most interested in the business model.

See Planet IT article